Flaky biscuit dough is wrapped around crisp apples and topped with a rich butter sauce to create delicious cinnamon-spiced apple dumplings. My grandmother...
Apple Charlotte is a wild concept - the crust is white bread instead of pastry and you glue it together with butter. The filling is similar to apple pie...
This recipe was originated by my aunt about 60 years ago. It can be served for a breakfast treat or for dinner with a scoop of ice cream. It took many...
This is the culmination of hundreds of mug cake attempts... what I have personally found to have the perfect amount of sweetness and texture while still...
Make baked apples in the microwave with this quick-and-easy recipe. Great for brunch or a snack. Stuff the apples with any additional fruits that you wish...
Finally, after all these years, I've come up with a solution for people who can't decide whether to make an apple crumble or coffee cake. This features...
When our class visited an apple farm this fall, we realized that we all shared a common love apples dipped in caramel. We created this really easy dessert...
I created this recipe myself, and it's the first one I'm submitting to the site. The cream cheese mixture turns almost into a caramel sauce when baked,...
Don't let the name of this recipe fool you. It may not be the prettiest cake you've ever seen, but it sure is the delicious! I've made this for a tea party,...
When our class visited an apple farm this fall, we realized that we all shared a common love apples dipped in caramel. We created this really easy dessert...
These are absolutely adorable, pretty easy to make, and the perfect treat to bring to a Halloween party. I brought them to my 2-year-old's school party...
My favorite recipe adapted many times from its original. Always a big hit due to taste of the cookies, and because they are low fat. The perfect on the...
My favorite recipe adapted many times from its original. Always a big hit due to taste of the cookies, and because they are low fat. The perfect on the...
Don't let the name of this recipe fool you. It may not be the prettiest cake you've ever seen, but it sure is the delicious! I've made this for a tea party,...
My favorite recipe adapted many times from its original. Always a big hit due to taste of the cookies, and because they are low fat. The perfect on the...
My favorite recipe adapted many times from its original. Always a big hit due to taste of the cookies, and because they are low fat. The perfect on the...
Every now and then I crave something slightly sweet but I don't want to make a whole sheet of cookies because I would eat them all. This recipe is perfect...
I have been making these for about 10 years and have had many requests for the recipe. They are easy to make and disappear so quickly, if you don't grab...